"Just believe in yourself" isn't cutting it

Telling your daughter, “Just believe in yourself,” isn’t cutting it. It’s not helping her actually believe in herself. Deep down, she is still doubting herself and you can see it all over her and you’re praying she can do it, but afraid she won’t execute and then continue to beat herself up on the way home.

Sound way too familiar?

When I played softball, I got a lot of “Just believe in yourself”s. “Go out there and be confident.” From my mom, my dad, my coaches. But, nobody was telling me HOW to believe in myself. HOW to be confident.

So, here’s the how!

Grab my Game Ready Confidence for her. This is a pre-game mindset routine that will help her be mentally prepared and confident going into her next game or tournament.

She will learn the importance of preparing her mind, creating what she wants to happen, and then visualizing her success!

These are simple, yet highly effective tools to help your daughter believe in herself.

You can grab Game Ready Confidence here!


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