Frustrated with how you're playing? Rise to the Top with These New Thoughts!

Hey there {{first_name}}!

😑Have you ever failed?
😑Made a mistake?
😑Struck out? 
😑Missed the shot?

And then thought...

😰I suck. 
😰I'll never be great at this. 
😰Why do I even try? 
😰I'm worthless.

Well girlfriend, those thoughts and that thinking is changing TODAY! 💪💪💪

Watch this or read below!! 

My coach shared this practice with me called the thought model and it is seriously a game changer!! ⬇️⬇️⬇️

We have unintentional thoughts that we are going to get under control and make them into INTENTIONAL thoughts.

When something happens, we have...
Thoughts that lead to...
Feelings, that lead to...
Actions, that lead to...
This is what it looks like when we are unintentional with our thoughts...
C (Circumstance) = Strike out
T (Thoughts) = "I suck and I'll never be a great hitter!"
F (Feelings) = Worry, sad, frustration 
A (Action) = Dwell on it, sulk, pissed off at everything
R (Result) = Strike out again, make an error 
We don't want those RESULTS! So, let's get intentional next time this happens...
C (Circumstance) = Strike out
T (Thoughts) = "This was just one at bat. I just missed it. I've got this next time."
F (Feelings) = Relief, free, excited
A (Action) = Be a good teammate, move forward, head high
R (Result) = Get a HIT next at bat! Come in clutch! Be the hero!

We get to control our thoughts! Download the FREE Thought Practice by using the link in my bio and start working on changing those thoughts and taking control of your results!! If you like this, you'll love the Mental Game Mentorship, join me and the elite girl athletes in the mental training program so you can level up your game and get those RESULTS! Send me a DM 💌

You've got this girl! 💗


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